Investment Management
As an independently owned and operated hybrid RIA our independent structure provides increased access to sophisticated wealth management strategies. Our in-house portfolio management capabilities combined with experience developed over many years serving as fiduciary advisors for advisory clients, foundations, and institutions enable us to provide a customized portfolio. These include separately managed account programs and strategies, alternative investments, and other strategies appropriate for working toward your sophisticated investment needs.
An emphasis on prudent asset allocation
Our investment approach focuses on the importance of asset allocation in diffusing risk (spreading assets over several asset classes that have historically had a low or negative correlation with one another).
We begin by creating an asset allocation based on your unique needs, goals, plans, and risk tolerance.
Next, a tailored investment strategy is developed to execute the initial allocation.
Finally, we continually monitor your portfolio, making adjustments as necessary to maintain the appropriate balance over time. We meet with you regularly to keep you abreast of changes in the marketplace and investment climate, and to determine if any changes in your needs or lifestyle may warrant further adjustments to help keep you on track toward your goals.
Balance and tax efficiency are critical to working towards your objectives over time
Maintaining the appropriate balance for your portfolio over time can get tricky. In a tax-qualified account, like a 401(k) or IRA, this work is simplified. Outside of qualified plan holdings, however, our clients typically have both taxable and tax-qualified accounts. This is where the re-balancing process becomes critical as we seek to maintain portfolio balance and tax efficiency.
As advisors at Wealth Advisors of Tampa Bay, our clients can benefit from our hands-on experience in executing tax-efficient asset allocation and rebalancing strategies. We employ a unique rebalancing method which includes the daily monitoring of portfolio assets with tolerance bands built around specific asset allocation targets. This provides you with the knowledge and confidence that your portfolio is not only continually monitored, but rebalanced on a regular basis, helping to ensure continual alignment with your specific objectives. Of course, no strategy, including asset allocation and rebalancing, can guarantee against loss of value or guarantee performance.
Rebalancing a portfolio may cause investors to incur tax liabilities and/or transaction costs and does not assure a profit or protect against a loss.
Enhanced portfolio customization through direct indexing
In addition to our comprehensive portfolio services, we offer direct indexing, a powerful tool for fine-tuning investment choices. This strategy enables the direct ownership of individual stocks within an index, allowing for highly personalized asset selection and sophisticated tax management opportunities. Direct indexing is particularly adept at facilitating detailed tax-loss harvesting and can be customized to exclude certain securities or sectors to reflect personal investment preferences or ethical considerations. This approach is seamlessly integrated into our broader investment management framework, providing our clients with enhanced control over their financial outcomes and optimizing tax efficiency.
Core Equity Portfolio
A customized stock portfolio comprised of predominately large capitalization, domestic companies. This portfolio is sensitive to tax efficiency while pursuing risk and returns similar to the S&P 500 Index.
Blend Portfolio
A combination of growth and value stocks that may overweight either style based on current market conditions.
Customized Fixed Income Portfolio
Either a taxable or a tax-free portfolio comprised of investment-grade bonds that strives to meet the client’s objectives for risk and income.
Separately Managed Account
An account that is managed by an external advisor. The external manager is a specialist who invests in a particular style-such as international or small companies. The account is maintained at Wealth Advisors of Tampa Bay and the annual fee covers all expenses.
Mutual Fund Allocation
The use of 8 model portfolios comprised of mutual funds. Each portfolio is for a given risk profile and tax situation.
Dividend Growth Portfolio
An equity portfolio comprised of dividend-producing stocks. The objective of the portfolio is to provide an above-average dividend yield and strong dividend growth which can provide for long-term growth of principal.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax advisor.