
Checklist for Estate Planning: Review Estate Planning Documents
Are you prepared for the future? Ensuring your estate plan reflects your current circumstances is crucial. Learn how regular reviews can prevent potential legal hassles and make sure your wishes are respected, no matter what life throws your way.

Financial Planning in the Face of a Terminal Illness
The job of financial planning is to help prepare your finances for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, even if one of those challenges is a terminal illness. Here’s guidance on steps you can take to get your affairs in order should you face that diagnosis.

Digital Estate Planning: 5 Steps to Protect Your Digital Assets
While developing your estate plan to pass on investments, cash, real estate, and more, don’t forget to plan for your digital valuables too.

Understanding Special Needs Trusts
Special needs trusts are a way family and others can help provide for the needs of a disabled individual while protecting their access to government benefits.

How to Protect Your Children and Their Inheritance with a Trust
If you plan to leave assets or money to your children when you pass away, take time now to consider whether placing that inheritance in a trust may offer them protection.

Why It’s Important to Designate a Power of Attorney
While you may be in good health today, life doesn’t always go as planned, so it’s a good idea to put a POA in place as a general precaution. Without one, your loved ones can face unnecessary stress and hardship.